Dental implants give some lucky dental patients the ability to mimic their natural teeth after a loss. The alternatives, including dentures and bridges, are not as long-lasting or nearly as realistic in appearance as an implant will be. Surgery, though it's minor surgery, is how implants must be added so that you can enjoy them for a long time. After you have the posts installed, you should take care of your oral health to both promote healing and relieve any minor discomfort. Read on for some tips.
Go Easy on Your Gums and Teeth
You may be a bit sensitive when eating after dental implants. Try to stick to soft foods for a few days to lessen the discomfort. Cold foods can be soothing but avoid very hot ones. If you do have soup or hot tea, keep it on the tepid side. Try smoothies, protein shakes, ice cream, milkshakes, soup, soft fruits, and mashed or pureed vegetables. Even after several weeks and your mouth feels "back to normal", be cautious when eating very hard or crunchy foods like hard candies, ice, nuts, popcorn, or carrots. Try to chew mostly on the side opposite the implant site for a few more weeks.
Go Easy on Yourself
Even though implant surgery is considered minor surgery, you may still experience some lasting side-effects of the anesthesia. That means you should try to rest more frequently and avoid overexerting yourself. If you must work out or go back to work, be aware that very strenuous movements could make the blood clots in your gum loosen and you may begin to bleed. In the first few days after surgery, resting with your head elevated with a pillow can help reduce the swelling and bleeding.
Reduce Inflammation
Keeping the swelling down can make you feel more comfortable. In some cases, your gums and your checks may be swollen and feel tender for a few days. Apply ice packs as your dentist orders and have someone fill your prescription for any antibiotics. Be sure to finish the bottle of antibiotics even if your swelling goes down. You can stave off the potential for infection by gently swishing some warm salted water around and then spitting it out a few times a day. Avoid aggravating the surgical site with your toothbrush or floss, but continue your usual routines on the rest of your mouth.
For more information about the process and recovery, contact services such as Professional Dental Center.
Share23 September 2019
Hi, my name is Kevin Nelson and I want to tell you about my experience. I had a painful tooth so I went to see my dentist. After the examination, he said that I needed to have a root canal to save the tooth. I told the dentist to just pull the tooth instead and then he explained why that wasn't a good idea. He said that pulling the tooth would cause additional problems and then he told me what could happen. I didn't want any more problems, so the dentist did the root canal and I'm glad that he did. I wanted to write a blog to tell others about the benefits of a root canal and what to expect during the procedure. I hope that by getting the word out, other people won't make the same mistake that I almost did by getting a perfectly good tooth pulled.