2 Bad Habits To Avoid After Having Dental Implant Surgery

Dentist Blog

After recently undergoing dental implant surgery, you may want to do everything you can to help your implant sites heal quicker, as well as keep your implants strong and healthy. However, you also need to know about things you should not do, such as the following two bad habits below. Chewing On Objects Whether you mindlessly chew on your fingernails or the eraser on your pencil, chewing on any object could cause damage to your implants.

5 July 2016

First Time Parenting? 5 Steps To Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Dentist Blog

If you have a baby, you should be taking preventative measures to ensure that they don't developbaby bottle tooth decay. Tooth decay can form as soon as the first tooth emerges, especially if you don't provide special care for them. Tooth decay forms when sweetened liquids pool around the delicate teeth in your little one's mouth. Formula, juices, and sweetened waters can all cause tooth decay. Here are five steps you should take to prevent your little one from developing baby bottle tooth decay.

17 June 2016

Crowned In A Day? A Closer Look At Same-Day Dental Crowns

Dentist Blog

If you have a tooth that has a healthy root but it is starting to deteriorate or is damaged above the gum line, a crown is the most feasible option. However, obtaining a crown is no simple process. Your tooth first has to be prepared with drilling and a custom crown will then be made to situate atop the existing tooth. The process can mean several visits to the dentist and a waiting period of two weeks while your permanent crown is being made.

26 May 2016

Debunking 4 Common Myths About Dental Bonding

Dentist Blog

If you have small chips or cracks in your teeth, your dentist might suggest dental bonding as a means of concealing these imperfections. Specifically, dental bonding refers to a quick and painless procedure that involves using a composite resin to fill and repair cosmetic imperfections in teeth. Still, deciding whether or not to have dental bonding done is made much easier when you have all the facts and can see beyond some of the most common myths out there.

10 May 2016

3 Instances That May Require A Dental Crown

Dentist Blog

There are multiple times that a dental crown may be needed to protect the integrity of a tooth. Here are a few of them: A Tooth That Has Undergone a Root Canal Sometimes, if a tooth becomes infected or a dental nerve is otherwise chronically inflamed, a root canal may be needed to alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with the condition. Even though the removal of the pulp, which houses the blood vessels and dental nerves of a tooth, alleviates the pain of the uncomfortable condition, it does not restore the tooth or protect it.

22 April 2016

3 Common Dental Implant Issues & How to Fix Them

Dentist Blog

Dental implants are resilient, long term, alternative solutions to using dentures. However, like any medical procedure, there are some issues that could arise during, or some time after, the implant procedure. Check out http://elmafamilydental.com for more information, and read on to learn about some of these issues and how to deal with them. Loose Implants There are a few different reasons why your implants might become loose. A problem might arise during the osseointegration process.

9 March 2016

Snap! Crackle! Pop!: Why That Noise In Your Cheeks Isn't Your Cereal And How A Dentist Can Fix It

Dentist Blog

Do you wake up every morning with a stiff, sore face? Do you feel as though you were busy clenching your jaw tightly all night? When you open your mouth in the morning, do you suddenly hear a snap or a pop sound? Chances are, you probably have TMJ, or Temporo-Mandibular Joint Disorder. Here is what TMJ is like, and how your dentist may be able to fix it. Self-Diagnosing TMJ

17 February 2016

4 Steps Of A Dental Implant Procedure

Dentist Blog

If you've ever lost a tooth because of injury, gum disease, decay or a dentist-recommended extraction, a dental implant may be a perfect option for you.  Implants are durable and can be treated like your natural teeth. You can smile, speak, eat and even kiss with confidence, knowing that your implants won't slip like dentures and cause you embarrassment. The replacement tooth matches the rest of your teeth in color, alignment and comfort.

26 January 2016

How To Stop Grinding Your Teeth Once And For All

Dentist Blog

Whether it is due to stress or an abnormal bite, teeth grinding is a pretty bad habit to have. Bruxism does not just damage your teeth; it can also lead to headaches and facial pain. However, if you make a true effort, you can break this harmful habit. Here are some helpful tips on how to stop grinding your teeth once and for all: Do not Ignore Stress Stress can trigger teeth grinding, so it is very important to get your anxiety under control.

8 January 2016